Map Tour Gallery
Január 18

Momentálne zatvorené

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Aktuálne počasie v parku



Darujte zábavu a dobrodružstvá

Perfektný vianočný darček pre malých i veľkých dobrodruhov.

Ďalšie informácie

Odpovede na vaše otázky

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New: PET bottle recycling

Anyone who buys a drink in a PET bottle in the Familypark now has the option of throwing the empty bottle back into the return machine. The collected bottles then become PET blanks again and subsequently new PET bottles, which in turn are refilled. There is a deposit of 20 cents per bottle.

The return machines are at

  • the Burgzeche
  • the Bauernschenke and
  • the Römer-Restaurant

Thanks for your help!


*** Only works with bottles bought directly at Familypark! ***

TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!