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Sep. 09

Currently closedPark is closed 09.09.2024 - 10.09.2024

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Closed rides

The following attractions are currently closed due to construction and repair work:

  • Verrückte Vogelscheuche
  • Sumpfburg
  • Drachenbahn
  • Schildkrötenkarussell
  • Komet

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Novelty: Long Summer Evenings

9th June 2016

Especially in summer, Austria’s largest leisure park is a popular destination for families with children of all ages. Thanks to the many water attractions its easy to cool down on hot summer days. With small children guests are well-cared particularly in the shady oak forest, where you can visit the animals in the petting zoo or test the new attractions Krähennest (Crow’s Nest) and Froschhüpfer (Frog Hop).

When climbing the crow’s nest, you can look forward to a 40-meter long glissade. From 8 meters high, visitors slide down on one of 6 tracks on mats. The highlight of the attraction: The goats from the petting zoo “Aunt Mizzi’s Little Farm” climb on boardwalks around the large slide area and can watch the children at the thrills. At the carousel Froschhüpfer the youngest guests  can already ride together with their parents or grandparents at the edge of the pond on the backs of frogs.

New Summer Highlight

If it remains light until evening in summer, many guests want to enjoy the atmosphere in the park longer. For this reason, this year there will be the “Long summer evenings”in the Familypark for the first time .

On every 2nd Saturday of summer, the park has open from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. (tickets until 18:00). And the regular ticket price.

The dates: June 25, 9 & 23 July 6 & 20 August

“From Halloween, which we celebrate as our season closing for 2 years already, many guests know the park at night. Now we can present  the Familypark to our guests in the summer until late evening. At this season, when everything blooms and greens, it is especially nice to see the sunset in the park. We
want to share this experience with our guests, “says Ulrike Müller, Director of the Familypark, about the new offer.

TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!