Map Tour Gallery
Dec. 09

Momentálne zatvorené

Zobraziť otváracie hodiny

Aktuálne počasie v parku



Zatvorené atrakcie

V dôsledku stavebných prác, resp. opráv sú momentálne zatvorené nasledovné atrakcie:

  • Bláznivý strašiak
  • Močiarny hrad
  • Dračia dráha
  • Korytnačí kolotoč
  • Kométa

Odpovede na vaše otázky

Všetky informácie o koronavíruse Bezpečnostné opatrenia a odpovede na najčastejšie otázky nájdete


Season starts on 30th May

28. Mai 2020

We had to wait and fear for a long time – but now we have certainty: we may open again on May 30th!


Due to a daily visitor restriction, ticket purchase is initially only possible via our online shop. Annual pass holders must also reserve their visit in advance.

In addition, a mask is required throughout the park.


Further information is available on the following pages:

FAQ about the reopening

Corona security measures

Compensation for annual pass holders


We look forward to welcoming you soon!


Online advent calendar

Help Filippo to decorate the tree and with a bit of luck win great prizes!
You also take part in the bonus competition, where you can win 4 annual passes!

To the advent calendar

TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!