Map Tour Gallery
Dec. 09

Currently closed

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Closed rides

The following attractions are currently closed due to construction and repair work:

  • Verrückte Vogelscheuche
  • Sumpfburg
  • Drachenbahn
  • Schildkrötenkarussell
  • Komet

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Study presentation "Economic factor Familypark"

9th may 2018

The study by Kreutzer & Partner (commissioned by the RMB), presented today, highlighted the highly successful use of these funds and presented the enormous influence of the Familypark on the economy of the region. Burgenlands governor Niessl and LR Petschnig thanked the Müller family for their tireless dedication to their life's work and underscored the importance of the Familypark as a leading company for Burgenland.


From 2013-2017 19 million euros were invested, of which 2.3 million were EU subsidies.

In the region, 150 jobs outside the park have been created in the last 5 years. The number of employees in the park has almost doubled during this period.

Consumption expenditure of park visitors in other businesses (like restaurants, hotels, other leisure facilities, shopping) generated a purchasing power of 12 million euros. Finally, study author Andreas Kreutzer said that Familypark is one of the most successful projects in Burgenland.


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