Map Tour Gallery
Január 19

Jelenleg zárva.

Tovább a nyitvatartási időkhöz

Aktuális időjárás a parkban


Időjárás app

Ajándékozz élményt és kalandot

Tökéletes karácsonyi ajándék minden korosztály számára.

További információ


A gyakran felmerülő különböző kérdésekre a válaszokat itt találod.


Biberburg awarded several times


The beaver lodge (Biberburg) was able to dust off two prizes.

It was named Best Ride of the Year at the Park World Excellence Awards 2022.
The Park World Excellence Awards are recognized as the premier industry awards program for the EMEA region. Our beaver lodge was able to convince the jury because of its innovativeness and uniqueness.

At the parkscout | plus Awards, we can look forward to winning 1st place in the category Europe’s Best New Attractions in 2022.

We are pleased that the beaver lodge was not only well received by our visitors but also by the specialist groups & wish you lots of fun with this award-winning attraction!


TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!