Map Tour Gallery
Július 27

Nyitvatartási idő 10:00 - 20:00

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A Familypark alkalmazás

A Familypark alkalmazás tökéletes társ a parkban tett látogatáshoz! Elérhető angol és német nyelven, iOS és Android rendszerekre – természetesen ingyen!

További információ


A gyakran felmerülő különböző kérdésekre a válaszokat itt találod.


First "Long jubilee evening"

5th June 2018

2018 is a special year for the Familypark, as we celebrate our 50th anniversary! What began as a small fairytale forest 5 decades ago is now Austria's largest themepark. Of course we want to celebrate this with you!

That's why our 5 long jubilee evenings are taking place this year. Let's start on June 9th with a funny mascot meeting.

You can also discover the Familypark until 8pm!

We are happy if you celebrate with us & wish you a lot of fun!

You can find more information and the other dates here


Out of order: Verrückte Vogelscheuche

The ride Crazy Scarecrow (Verrückte Vogelscheuche) remains closed due to maintenance.
We strive to process the matter quickly and thank you for your understanding!

TipThe Familypark app

Available for Android and iOS - free of charge, of course!